Monday, March 30, 2015

Maple Trip and Spring Flowers

It's never not busy in our class, but last week was especially momentous. We had a great trip on Tuesday to the Kortright Centre to learn all about how Maple Syrup is made.
We get introduced to Grandfather Maple
The native people used to fill troughs with sap and put hot coals in to condense it.
Students practice drilling spiles in this post.
This 3 cauldron method is how the pioneers reduced the maple sap to syrup
This modern method has the sap coming in from the trees on a pipeline.

We also said goodbye to our beloved rocketship. Ms. K's class is now enjoying it. We wrote a letter to them explaining some of the ways they might want to consider playing with it.
The letter we wrote to Ms. K's class to help them play with their new rocketship

We've been hard at work on the Acorn cards, This is a fundraiser for our school. Students have been inspired by the work of Georgia O'Keeffe to create paintings of flowers.

Here a student is explaining to me why this Georgia O'Keeffe flower painting reminds him of a dragon.
Students are learning to look up close at flowers to create visual interest in their pictures. 
We're using oil pastels and watercolours again.
Using lots of different colours helps to make it more interesting as well.

In April, we'll be focusing in on Art and exploring the artists that inspire you and our students. I'm a bit late with the newsletter as the weekend got away from me. However, I spoke with students about their show and shares today and a few were already enthusiastic about their ideas and knew what they were bringing in, so I've chosen those students to start. (Blake is Tuesday and Cy and Julia will share on Wednesday.) Please expect to see that posted later on tonight. 

Wednesday is Library Day and this weekend will include a holiday Friday and Monday.

When we see each other again on Tuesday, we'll have a special visitor: one of the parents will be in to do a special art presentation.


Ms. Goegan

P.S.  We've replaced the rocketship with the biggest tent ever.

Seriously, this tent is huge. 

Students are using it to tell each other scary stories

It's also being used as a quiet space for reading and relaxing.